Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Bike Insurance - More calls for secure parking

Motorcycle insurance specialist, Carole Nash, has called on employers to provide secure parking for mopeds and motorcycles. The insurer was echoing sentiments by the Motorcycle Industries Association who urged British employers to avail secure parking for mopeds and motorcycles. Earlier in the year, the insurance company called for local authorities to provide more public secure bike parks. Carol Nash supported the call by MCIA saying as a project, it would be environmentally friendly and economically viable.

Carole Nash’s managing director, David Newman said: “The MCIA reports moped sales are soaring and biking is generally becoming more popular, no doubt as a result of fast escalating fuel costs, ever increasing congestion and lacklustre public transport provision.”
He added: “Despite this little is being done by employers and local authorities to satisfy the increased demand for secure parking. Given the huge cost to the economy of congestion and the growing personal cost of car use this seems ridiculous.” According to Mr. Newman, bikes needed specific security measures because of their portability and the high spares value of top end models.

He further added that the company’s annual motorcycle theft survey, which looks at all bike insurance claims received from among the company’s 230,000 motorbike insurance policyholders, constantly demonstrated that the bikers most at risk were in urbanised areas.

news source : http://www.onlyfinance.com/

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